Inspired by Travel
Food stall in Bangkok: When it comes to explore food, the area of Yaowarat (Bangkok´s Chinatown) is one of the most inspiring places for me.
I don't remember that I have been "on holidays" anytime in my life. I use every available free time to go out, explore and record my experiences, even in times when I cannot travel in the classic way. Travelling - no matter how - helps me to be creative.
Why Travel and Creativity are linked (and can help in finding ways to new recipes)
Travel creates a break in our routine. Getting out of the comfort zone and being exposed to new experiences have change my perspective on life. And this changed perspective will provide -depending on how receptive I am at that moment - a bunch of sensory stimulations.
“Kwashisanyama” (a place where you prepare food in Zulu). Braai Ladies under a bridge at the Joe Slovo Drive. Downtown, Johannesburg
Stray from the beaten track.
Get immersed into what is foreign to you, and make contact with local people as much as you can, because they will undoubtedly have different approaches to food. The more experiences you gather traveling, the more knowledge you acquire. The more knowledge stored in your personal archive (your memories), the more chances you will have to make new connections. Creativity is the art of making connections. At a certain point your brain will start making them automatically. See, smell, taste, touch, and listen to what people tell you - and try to record it all. This will be the spark for inspiration - the moment new ideas start to flow.
Catch of the day at a Jungle Eco Farm. French Guayana
Travelling helps you to be creative. This forces the mind to leave familiar territory. The mind automatically begins to search for new connections.
Flatbread with Asian Spices. Zhoushan Road, Shanghai
Mamey fruit, Rio Dulce, Guatemala
Seafood Market, Naples, Italy
Spice Vendor. Victoria Market, Durban, South Africa
Travel Gallery:
A small collection of some of my favourite travel moments
Rasdu Atoll | Maldives