Sketching that Recipe on my Mind
In the process of sketching and painting I find the inspiration for my recipes
I like to draw and record what inspires me in notes and sketches. From the explored experience and from my sketches, I then create a recipe out of it. The sketch is the attempt to represent an idea, also a draft, a concept, a first overview. It can be a note (also a mental note drafted on paper) or a preliminary drawing, which does not have to be detailed or elaborate. It can be the memory of a taste or an aroma, a word, an image, a texture, an object, a color or all that together in a collage. Creative thinking is the combination of associative elements in new combinations. These combinations can form the basis for a later recipe. A recipe that still exists in this phase, only in our heads, or, as shown below, on a sheet of paper (or several).
Each of the following sketches inspired me to create a recipe, but they can also be seen independently and may inspire you to create your own recipe.
You’ll find that after 5 minutes of unbridled observation you will enter the state of flow
Flow is the result of intense concentration, so if you can tap into this state more often, the easier it will become to observe and focus for longer periods of time.
Retain the forms of objects in your memory for longer durations
Spend less time recalling objects from memory
Feel relaxed and calmer when it comes your drawing process
Develop great concentration and focus over time