“Fir Cone”
“Fir Cone” with spruce / fir tip jelly curd filling
“Fir Cone” with apricot curd filling
“Fir Cone” with pine nuts
“Fir Cone” with spruce / fir tip jelly curd filling
For the “Fir Cone”:
6 pcs (1 to 2 days old) fine bakery products (brioche, puff pastry, croissants, ...)
3 egg whites
90 g sugar
75 g icing sugar
1 tbsp corn starch
1 cup of pine nuts to sprinkle over (optional)
The egg whites must be completely cold for stiffening. Beat the egg whites until stiff. Add half of the sugar and continue beating until the mixture shines. Add the remaining sugar and continue beating briefly. Mix icing sugar and corn starch and carefully fold into the mixture.
First let the oven grill become very hot. (250°C degrees)
Fill the fine baked goods with a little jelly or jam. Form tips with your hands and form into fir cones.
Spread the mixture in waves on the baked goods and make points with a fork.
Sprinkle the pine nuts over the mixture.
First bake briefly under the grill until the beaten egg white is slightly browned.
Then move the tray to the middle of the oven, preheated to 80°C, for approx. 2 hours and 30 minutes.
For the spruce / fir tip jelly curd filling:
2 tablespoons of curd per "fir cone"
1 tablespoon spruce / fir tip jelly per piece (recipe: see below)
1 tablespoon jam per piece (apricot, strawberry,...)
3 or 4 fruit pieces per "Fir cone“ (apricot, strawberry,...).
Spruce / fir tip jelly (Maiwipferl jelly)
4 handfuls of spruce / fir tips
1 litre water
1 organic Lemon
1 kg preserving sugar
Wash spruce / fir tips with clear water.
Bring water and spruce / fir tips to the boil and leave to stand for 30 minutes.
Strain the next day.
Boil Spruce / fir tip jelly water.
Add the jam sugar and lemon juice.
Make a gelling test and then fill in a glass.